Just 4 more days, and 2009 is over. I'm up early because Denny is working 3 days this week, with day hours, no kids at school. I'm finding it hard to sleep beyond 4 a.m. Perhaps we should go back to milking cows. That was always an early morning activity. No, guess not. My poor back couldn't take it. I always like to see a new year come, fresh days, new ideas, broken resolutions. We had a busy Christmas with the kids, and will have 2 birthdays this week. Chad will be 43, and Kadygirl will be 10, both on the 30th. She still has the energy of a young dog. If we keep her healthy, she'll be with us for many more years. Today I'm including pictures of a few of the many bookmarks I made for the kids, using fabric and Scrabble letters for their names.
Here are a couple ornaments I made last year out of wooden spools. The pictures aren't too clear, but they give an idea of what I did. I think I gave the boys all Santas, and the girls got snowmen. They all really liked the ones I did this year, with little scenes on them.
Here's our youngest great-granddaughter, Makayla Rose, with her big puffy duck she got for Christmas. She is a cutie, and has such a happy attitude. If babies can have attitudes.
The end of the year always makes me want to clean. I can't do too much at a time with my sore back, but I will start going thru boxes again, and start organizing stuff to keep, stuff to throw, stuff to sell, either on eBay or the city-wide garage sale we always have in May. The garage is still full and my storage room is too. Not to forget,,, all those unfinished quilts and sewing and painting projects. I have potential for a couple shops wanting my products this spring, so I will concentrate on those too, making and using what I have already made, for sale. I already started putting the Christmas decor away, now what? It's too early for spring decor, I'll have to think about it. Maybe continue with some snowmen. We have plenty of snow. Everywhere you look, it's white. Waterville actually was on the news for getting some of the most in the last storm, 21"!! That should bring up the lake levels, though I guess in a foot of snow there's an inch of water. The piles are getting high, and we're running out of places to put it. Time for a second cup of coffee, and wait for the sunrise, which should start coming sooner now that winter has started. Karen/Prairiedog
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