Wool Valentine heart

Wool Valentine heart
Red wool heart

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gotta sew

I'm up, early with Denny now that he's on day hours at school. Today is his last day for the week, so I had better get busy finishing Jill's wedding quilt. I have 17 days left to quilt it, after I finish the top which I fully intend to do today. Then iron the backing and batting, set up tables in the garage, lay it all out and pin the whole thing together, to prepare for machine quilting. I plan to do just ditch sewing, so it will just be time consuming. Then the binding which will be sewn on by hand. Add a label, and go.

We have lots of other activities this month, Bullhead Days this weekend in Waterville. Denny works Fri. evening in the hamburger stand, and I have to make 2 pies for the Ice Cream Social at church on Sunday. Hopefully the weather man is correct, and we have sunny weather for the weekend. I also have some projects to do for Horizons, need to make up and send thank you cards to the participants in our downtown beautification. Will do that on the computer. We also have a Lions club picnic, Todd's birthday, Gregg and Cathy's 25th anniversary and Jill and Josh's wedding, a couple Horizon meetings, yada, yada, yada.....

We are having cool weather for this time of year, it's just 55 deg. at 7 a.m., the river is not moving a bit, and it is covered with fluffy cottonwood tree seeds. Looks yukky.

Now to work!! Karen/Prairiedog

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