Wool Valentine heart

Wool Valentine heart
Red wool heart

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Saturday, quiet Saturday. Spent time with receipts, filing, organizing, shredding, throwing, ready for the tax man. We haven't received any papers from anyplace that we need for filing, but they have until the end of Jan. to get them to us, so will have to make an appt. in Feb. to see the CPA. I also cut more bears out, and started sewing, these are fun and colorful. Will try to add some fun embellishments to make them appealing. Have a long list of stuff I want or need to do before the outdoor weather comes, and in MN that is not for a few months. But I do have LOTS of stuff to do. So, I'll be heading to bed now, and it will be really cold in the morning they tell us. We'll toddle off to church, dress warm, it's cool in church, and then a meeting after. Hope it goes fast. Over and out.

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